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Apathetic; marked by a lack of interest || twitter.com/killeunice || Indonesia | Deutschland

Friday, February 28, 2014

Ayam Jago

Pingin gambar ayam yang warnanya kaya kemoceng bulu ayam itu. hihihihihi. I will post the final art later. I miss Indo! Di sini ayam modelnya ga begini. huahahah

Friday, February 21, 2014

Probably the most famous bounty hunter throughout the galaxy

My favourite bounty hunter. And I know he's your favourite too. I present to you, Mr. Boba Fett. Maybe I'll continue this sketch to something else. Maybe. But let's enjoy the sketch first.

Friday, February 14, 2014


Happy Valentine's Day for those whom I love. Love you guys, from wherever I am to wherever you are. You're always in my thoughts, night and day. 
It's dated September 2013. Today's Valentine's Day anyway. Posting it wouldn't be weird, eh?
Ooh, and I left my watercolors in Indonesia :(

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

From nearly two years ago

I think I better stay analogue; pencil+paper


Made some building concepts from the shape octagon. So random yet pretty cool.


Ini super norak dan alay dan ohmygod can't even speak. ha ha. posted it anyway. we call it 'learning' right?